L2SOTM November 2014

The Longparish Second Sunday of the Month Handicap Race - 9 November 2014
IMG 1547 IMG 1516  A storming finish and a new PB from Wilf IMG 1517 IMG 1518  Wilf's sister Evie was close behind, also in a PB
IMG 1519 IMG 1520  Thank you to the Personal Trainers! IMG 1521  3rd place goes to Jeremy - our Most Improved Man IMG 1522  Daniel finishes in a new Personal Record
IMG 1523  Alice sprints for the finish IMG 1524  Sarah in hot pursuit of Alice IMG 1525  Steve and Marija both got PBs IMG 1526  Marija checks her time.
IMG 1527  New runner Toni with a strong finish IMG 1528  Matt hears David and sprints for the finish IMG 1529  David finishes strongly IMG 1530  Look out - he's behind you.  Dave stays ahead of Lance
IMG 1531  Lance finishes just behind Dave IMG 1532  Ian emerges from the mist IMG 1533  Closely followed by Katie and Jim IMG 1534  Jim runs in
IMG 1535  Jeanette was only just outside her handicap with Emma to push. IMG 1536  Welcome back Chris after a few months absence. IMG 1537  Wendy keeps ahead of James IMG 1538  James finishes strongly
IMG 1539  Jesper returns from injury- good to see you running again. IMG 1540  Well done Mikey in your first run IMG 1541  Great to see Jacqui back IMG 1543  Wilf was our Rising Star
IMG 1544  Alice was Most Improved Woman IMG 1546  Jeremy was most Improved Mn IMG 1548  Our trophy winners Jeremy, Wilf and Alice IMG 1542