L2SOTM JUne 2017

The Longparish 2nd Sunday of the Month 5K handicap running race held on 11 June 2017
IMG 3189  Luke heads for the finish 5 minutes inside his target time.  Well done! IMG 3190  Jalal was also well inside his target. IMG 3191  and so was George. IMG 3192
IMG 3193 IMG 3194  Angela was first lady IMG 3195  Closely followed by Donna IMG 3196  Hallam runs in ahead of Dennis on handicap
IMG 3197  Buit Dennis was a second faster on actual time.  Honour is satisfied. IMG 3198  Lauren heads for the finish IMG 3199  and races in for a new Personal Best IMG 3200  Mikey runs in
IMG 3201  Sandra's ambition was to finsish ahead of Mikey.  Sadly for her he foiled he cunning plan. IMG 3202  Jim looks fresh as a daisy in his second best ever time IMG 3203 IMG 3204  A big finish for Rob
IMG 3205  Jeremy struggles home and blames it on Endure 24 IMG 3206  and Luke brings up the rear IMG 3207  Luke, our Rising Star, gets the trophy IMG 3208
IMG 3209  Well done Luke IMG 3210  Jalal is awarded a temprary trophy as our Most Improved Man IMG 3211 IMG 3212  Angela is Most Improved Woman
IMG 3213 IMG 3214  Time to go home