L2SOTM September 2022

The Longparish Second Sunday of the Month 5K handicap running race held on 12 September 2022
IMG 5159  Dave: first home and Most Improved Man IMG 5160  New runner Darrell records his best ever 5K time IMG 5161  Andy beat his handicap by a minute to finsih in 3rd place IMG 5162  Most Improved Lady Rebekah
IMG 5163  Jack check his time.  It was a good one. IMG 5164  Christina surges to the finish IMG 5165  Closely followed by Raymond.  That's 4 Searles in a row.  What are the odds against that? IMG 5166  Dennis
IMG 5167  Claire IMG 5168  Luke IMG 5169  Mark IMG 5170  Jeremy
IMG 5171  Tracy IMG 5172  Roger IMG 5175  Most Improved Man Dave IMG 5176
IMG 5177  Rebekah gets a temporary trophy as Most Improved Woman IMG 5178  Our September trophy winners