L2SOTM — The Longparish 2nd Sunday Of The Month (handicap race)

L2SOTM Runner Badges

Uli Selg

Get printable runner badges

If you are a family with multiple L2SOTM runners, you might find it helpful to have your runner badges show your name, so you know whose badge is which.

Enter runner numbers

Enter a comma-separated list of runner numbers. Repeated numbers give multiple copies. Invalid or missing numbers are silently ignored.

Unnecessarily verbose explanation

This page lets you select which badges to print. Simply enter your runner numbers separated by commas into the text box and hit the Get badges button.

When you print the resulting page, the decorative bits will magically disappear (as will this blurb) and you'll be left with just the badges.

If, for some reason, you want multiple copies of one badge, just put that number into the box however many times you want a copy. Sometimes it's handy having spares in each of your cars, bikes or water bottle carriers.

Hints and tips

  1. By default, many browsers will print a header and footer with the date and the web address and stuff like that: there is usually an option to turn them off.
  2. Anything in the box that's not a digit or a comma will be ignored. If you type "4 and 5", for example, that squashes down to "45". For 4 and 5 you need "4,5".